The beautiful coat of a mature Bearded Collie needs a lot of care and attention.  Beardies love to find the nearest muddy puddle or pond to splosh about in and they will come home with all sorts of twigs and leaves tangled in their coats, so it is important that you set aside plenty of time for grooming.

It may seem that a puppy’s coat doesn’t need much attention, but it is vital that you start grooming your puppy straight away.  This will get them used to the routine and make your job much easier.  Get your puppy used to lying on both sides without fussing – this will make grooming them thoroughly so much easier.

And have PATIENCE.  Never tug at a knot, tease it out carefully.

Having the correct tools to hand will help you groom your Beardie but nothing will replace the time and patience needed.  We recommend that you spend 10 – 15 minutes each day, with a longer, complete overhaul once a week.

Below are the basic tools that we recommend:

Grooming Table
This puts the Beardie at your height and saves back ache! Reduces 'wriggle' room. Encourage your Beardie to lie on its side; this gives you access to all areas. The table should be sturdy with a non-slip surface.
Spray bottle
Grooming Spray
This reduces static and conditions the coat. Some sprays contain a lot of silicone which can be heavy on the coat. We recommend 'Beardie Spray' produced by the Bearded Collie Club of Scotland and available from our sales stand at all events.
Poodle/Beardie Comb
This is a long and widely spaced tooth comb - probably the one piece of equipment most Beardie groomers wouldn't be without
Poddle Comb
Bristle & Nylon Brush
A good quality hair brush is recommended. Many Beardie groomers swear by their Mason & Pearson brushes - these are expensive but last for years. Our sales stand stocks affordable alternatives.
Pin Brush
Important that this is the type that doesn't have 'bobbles' on the end of the pins as these catch in the coat
Pin Brush
A handy tool for getting at tangles in awkward places like the armpits
V Rake
Slicker Brush
A narrow headed one is great for doing the feet and legs
Slicker Bush
Both general round-nosed and thinning scissors are useful for bad knots - but use with caution!
Mat Splitter
Use with extreme caution - and only as a last resort!
Mat Splitter
Further Information
  • We offer grooming advice and demonstrations at our social events – please never worry about asking for help or advice – we’re all Beardie owners and understand what a challenge it can be at times
  • Hints on Grooming – illustrated guide by Sue Bird and Val Palmer.  Available from (follow the link for Grooming)
  • Brush Strokes DVD by Brenda White. Available from
Can you help?

We are preparing a list of experienced Beardie owners who would be willing to help/assist SCBCC Members with their grooming needs.  This could be simply giving advice or actually helping someone with their Beardie locally – lending an extra hand.  If you would like to add your name to the Grooming Buddy List, please send your details using our Contact Form.

If you need help with or advice on grooming your Beardie or are looking for an experienced groomer close to you, please get in touch via our Contact Form.