BeaCon for Health is a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving health in Bearded Collies through an Open Health Registry (OHR), Education and Research.

The website has a host of information and articles covering breeding, canine health and genetics.

BeaCon also undertake specific research projects to which Beardie owners can contribute. The OHR is the main way all Beardie owners can help – it is a database of information that can be used to study inherited problems and to help establish the incidence of health problems in the breed.  Details of all Beardies need to be collected whether they are show dogs or pets, and information on live and deceased dogs can be entered.  It is vital that information on healthy dogs is collected as well as those with health issues to give a true picture of the frequency of a disease problem.

As it is an open registry, the information submitted is public.  However it is important that that there is access to health information – breeders need to avoid undesirable matings and those looking at a puppy need to know whether dogs in the same line or close relatives have developed problems.

For further information please see the BeaCon website

If you experience any health issues with your Beardie we would also recommend that you contact Elizabeth Ayrton, the Breed Health Coordinator.  Any information is treated with the utmost sensitivity.