Members enjoy two editions a year of the Club’s magazine, the Beardie Times & a Summer Newsletter, to keep up to date with all the news and events, as well as preferential entry fees to our shows and some events.
Members are also eligible to vote to elect the judges at the Club’s Championship and Open shows and to submit claims for the Club’s Points Trophies.
In addition to our Rules and Regulations, Members agree to abide by our Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct and Guidelines for breeding Bearded Collies, putting the health and well-being of our dogs first.
We are funded purely through membership subscriptions, donations and any funds raised through our events.
Annual subscription is due on the 1st January. New applications made after 31st October will include membership for the next year.
Please note that only Members who have been fully paid up for one calendar year shall have voting rights. If your membership lapses and you wish to re-join, you will need to submit a new/lapsed membership form for your application to be considered. See below to download the form.
Membership rates are as follows:
Single | Joint | |
UK | £9.00 | £10.00 |
Europe | £11.00 | £12.00 |
Rest of World | £16.00 | £17.00 |
Payment is required in UK Sterling (cash, cheque, direct debit or via Paypal) |
New Members wishing to join the Club & Lapsed Members wishing to re-join, please download the New/Lapsed Member Form
If you wish to pay by standing order, please download the Standing Order Form
Payment is also accepted via bank transfer (see New Member or Standing Order Form for bank details)
Or you can pay via Paypal (please note a £1 administration fee applies):
You can also join up at any of our events – come along and sign up on the day! The events are open to all Beardie owners so you can meet lots of like-minded people and discuss any questions you may have with the Committee. And at the social events, your Beardie can have lots of fun as well.
Current Members: Please let us know if any of your details have changed. You can drop us a line using our Contact form or download and the Change of Details Form.
For all Membership enquiries, please contact us here